Our Adolescent Program provides a unique opportunity to seventh and eight graders in the Clear Lake area. Unlike any other program, Dr. Montessori’s plan for adolescents has been adapted to our school setting based on the research and development by AMI and NAMTA. Our Adolescent Program has a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on learning and service to mankind. Through real life experiences and interactions in the community high academic performance is achieved. An environment where each adolescent develops his or her voice and creates a personal vision of their role in society.
“The teachers must have the greatest respect for the young personality, realizing that in the soul of the adolescent, great values are hidden, and that in the minds of these boys and girls lies all our hope of future progress and the judgment of ourselves and our times.”
Dr Montessori.
The world does not need more pupils who merely score high on tests. It needs engaged, active explorers, thinkers and creators.